IBM business workstations, IntelliStation and RS Workstations
The RS/6000 family of RISC and Unix-based servers were introduced in the 1990s. After being renamed as the pSeries in 2000 it was ultimately rebranded as IBM Power systems in 2008.
Similarly, introduced in 1997, the IBM IntelliStation was withdrawn from the market in 2009. This system was designed for 64-bit CATIA V5 to solve complex engineering problems and offered exceptional performance for high-end design and analysis applications.
Due to their modern design and strong engineering many RS/6000s and IntelliStations are still in use today and play an important role in a large number of organisations.
Coworth and the IBM RS/6000 and IBM IntelliStation
Because of their continued use there is still a strong demand for spare and replacement parts for both the IBM RS/6000 and IBM IntelliStation workstations.
With many years experience of operating in the IBM second-hand market Coworth are uniquely positioned to source and supply parts for these systems.
From processors to RAM and hard disks to controllers we can source all your second hand part requirements for IBM RS/6000 and IBM IntelliStation, so whatever your requirements contact us today and let us solve your problems and keep your important IBM workstations operational for many years to come.
IBM RS/6000 44P 150 (7043-150)
The Model 150 offers:
- An excellent price/performance solution in the entry RS/6000 graphics workstation and workgroup families.
- Choice of solutions for your graphics needs with a range of 2D and 3D graphics accelerator options
- Performance and expandability for use as an entry server
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IBM RS/6000 44P 170 (7044-170)
The Model 170 can provide you with either a 2D or 3D workstation or a powerful workgroup server.
The model 170 offers:
- POWER3-II microprocessor (choice of three speeds, 333 MHz, 400 MHz, or 450 MHz)
- 64-bit system architecture
- Concurrent 32-bit and 64-bit application support
- Built-in service processor
- Ultra2 SCSI disk support
- SSA RAID disk support
Workstation benefits:
- Top performing workstation and 3D graphics for CAD/CAM and petroleum visualization applications
- Twice the memory of the Model 150 to support larger MCAD and CAE models
- Choice of 3D graphics accelerators
Server benefits
- Powerful, affordable 64-bit workgroup or e-business server
- Six bays and six slots, and up to 2 GB of memory
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IBM RS/6000 44P 270 (7044-270)
The Model 270 can be either an excellent 2D or 3D workstation or a powerful workgroup server.
The model 270 offers:
- Up to four processors to lower the cost of a symmetric multiprocessor system
- Up to 16 GB for memory and compute-intensive analysis, simulation, and modeling tasks.
- POWER3-II Microprocessor for enhanced performance
Workstation Benefits:
- Excellent performance for 3D CAD/CAM and petroleum visualization applications
- Powerful analysis workstation for complex computational chemistry, computational fluid dynamics, and structural analysis applications
Server Benefits:
- Powerful, affordable workgroup, technical or e-business server
- Improved floating-point performance to accelerate numerically intensive compute applications
- Built-in service processor to ensure high system availability
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