IBM IBM RS/6000 44P 170 (7044-170)
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The Model 170 can provide you with either a 2D or 3D workstation or a powerful workgroup server.The model 170 offers:
- POWER3-II microprocessor (choice of three speeds, 333 MHz, 400 MHz, or 450 MHz)
- 64-bit system architecture
- Concurrent 32-bit and 64-bit application support
- Built-in service processor
- Ultra2 SCSI disk support
- SSA RAID disk support
- Top performing workstation and 3D graphics for CAD/CAM and petroleum visualization applications
- Twice the memory of the Model 150 to support larger MCAD and CAE models
- Choice of 3D graphics accelerators
- Powerful, affordable 64-bit workgroup or e-business server
- Six bays and six slots, and up to 2 GB of memory